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Caring for White Sofas

A white leather sofa can make a dramatic statement. Indeed, any white furniture can make any room look gorgeous. Of course, many people shy away from white furniture. Some feel it’s difficult to keep up, and others fear ruining it because they have pets or children. However, that shouldn’t stop you from owning a white leather sofa. If you have such a piece of furniture or thinking about getting one, here is what you need to know when it comes to caring for white sofas.

Dust Regularly

The best thing you can do for white leather is to dust regularly. Dust can build up and eventually look ugly in the long run. If you just take a few minutes each week (or depending on how dusty it gets), you can ensure that your white sofa stays pure and beautiful.

Keep Pets and Kids Away

You’ll have to teach pets and kids to stay away from the white sofa. If possible, why not place the sofa in an office or enclosed room, instead of the living room? That way, you can keep your white sofa, without worrying about dirt and stains.

Clean Stains As Soon as Possible

Most stains will come off, but you’ll have to act fast. As soon as you spill or drop something on the leather, get a cloth and wipe it up. Smooth leather can somewhat repel some stains naturally, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.


There are many chemical treatments today that can be applied to the leather sofa to prevent stains from setting in and repel dirt and dust. It may be a good investment to have the manufacturer or other professional to have this done before you bring it home. In many cases, these must be reapplied regularly, so check with your manufacturer.

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